Saturday, January 17, 2009

Gotta love that Seattle weather!

Yes, I am a true Seattlite in that I savor my dark, rainy days. During the few years that I lived in Utah I would find myself strangely exhilarated and happy on the rare rainy day. It touched something in me that reminded me that home was somewhere else. However, the last month or so has pushed the weather extremes, even for a born and raised Seattle girl.

Generally speaking I do not like the snow- long gone is the potential of a snow day and spending the day sledding and making snowmen. No, now snow means the stress of wondering how long it will take to get to work, will I actually get there, will I slide into someone in my car, will someone slide into me, etc... This time around I do have to admit that it really was a magical, just before Christmas experience. Yes, my car got snowed in at work but there is nothing so pretty as real snow that falls for days and isn't a sloshy mess a few hours after it falls (the typical Seattle snow.)

I love my Seattle rain so I can't complain, but that led to.....


It was amazing how a little rainfall can cause so much damage and devastation. I was working the during the flooding and had the chance to fly in the helicopter over some of the flood areas. I could see house after house literally surrounded by a lake.

Then of course THE FOG

I truly love this weather. There is something very comforting about a dark, misty day! I want to curl up with a good book and enjoy some hot soup..... Good thing I have months of this yet to come to enjoy!
All this said, I've found myself more that once thinking back to last June......


Aah... the bright sun, the warm sand, the surf, the sandals, the lazy days....

Oahu April 2009, Here I come!!


Pritchard Family of 3 said...

Sounds great!!!! I am soooooo ready for summer. That Hawaii sun even confirms it more. Nice to see you posted. Have a great week!

Jen said...

I have to say I am almost feeling jealous enough to just say forget it! I'm going to Hawaii!

purplebleeder said...

Yeah I am pretty much ready to drive down to S.T., sit and wait for a standby flight, and just go to Hawaii - or really anywhere warm! You have posted, and Heath has actually posted TWICE!!!!! Shocker of a life time. I really need to post, but alas I have nothing to say (or nothing blog appropriate). Oh well...I am now in both of your shadows. Boo!

HJ Pritchard said...

This really is a lazy web blog... it's been almost a month now!

Time to update hi-me!

HJ Pritchard said...


Pritchard Family of 3 said...

Thank you so much for offering. I cannot wait. The days are counting. This month has a lot of events in it. Birthday, Anniversary, new house, Isaac going to London, etc... Too many things to keep handle on. Hope all is going well your way! See you guys soon!

HJ Pritchard said...

Okay Jaime, this is unacceptable! If you were still at Thoreau I think you'd get an 'N' of 'Needs Improvement!' Even Rebekah has posted twice (and you know how slow she's been lately with blogging)!

I'm expecting an update!

HJ Pritchard said...