Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Proud to Vote!!

Now that I have rambled on and on about my voting frustrations I have to take a minute to express how grateful I am for that right and privilege. I love living in a country where I have the right to have my voice heard and counted. I love that I can have my own opinions and can post them here on my blog.

I am thankful for the soldiers who have fought over the years to ensure my rights. I feel so lucky to be able to walk up the street or simply sit in the safety of my home and fill out my ballot however I want, not having to explain myself to anyone. I am an American and yes, I am proud to vote!

1 comment:

Pritchard Family of 3 said...

Even though this isn't about your post...Are we doing a family xmas? Are we exchanging gifts? I am proud that you have finally gotten a few postings. I keep checking to see what wonderful things you have to say. :) Hope all is well and we REALLY miss you guys. Things have been so busy for me lately school, Kaleigh, and working every day of the week. It should slow down soon and then we will be able to come out and visit. See you soon!!!!!